Posted Fri, 23 Jan 2015 15:35:40 GMT by Sam Barnes Barnes Fabrications Ltd Designer
I'm trying to detail some cold rolled sections (Steadmans) and everytime I try I get the following message:
(The following drawings have not been created! |
| Standalone part - This can only be detailed as a single part )

I've tried to detail them as a single part and main part and neither works.
Posted Fri, 23 Jan 2015 15:52:30 GMT by

Hi Sam


Whenever you wish to create drawings of cold rolled parts you need to change one of the system defaults as follows:-


·         Open Management Tools

·         Go to Defaults

·         Find Drawing General > General > Standalone Part – Detailing Behaviour

·         Set this to either “Create Assembly details only” or “Create both assembly and single part details”.

·         Inside Advance Steel click Update Defaults.


You can now produce your cold rolled drawings. When finished you might want to return the default to “Create single part details only” which is the normal setting for the UK install. Then close Management Tools.


Aleck Giles

Application Engiener, Graitec.

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