Posted Wed, 13 Jul 2016 19:50:04 GMT by Russ Parker
I have installed AS 2017 on a Windows 10 machine. AutoCAD 2017 runs fine. Advance Steel does not. I have attached one of the error codes that come up when trying to run AS because I can't attach all three. I have also sent this information to the support email address but have not gotten a response. And I have called the support phone number asking for a call back but have not had a response there either.I need to have AS running as soon as possible.Thank you.

Attachment: Error Code.PNG

Posted Fri, 15 Jul 2016 18:25:55 GMT by Russ Parker
The problem has been fixed by Graitec support. Anyone having trouble launching Advance Steel in Windows 10 should contact support. They have the answer.

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