Posted Thu, 05 Aug 2010 03:42:03 GMT by Laszlo Saly
Can you create DWG files with advance steel that can be viewed with AUTOCAD without advance steel. If not What kind of object enabler autocad needs to view advance steel dwg files.
Posted Thu, 05 Aug 2010 09:17:19 GMT by Dumitru BERTEANU Graitec ROMANIA

Models and drawings created by Advance Steel can't be opened in pure Autocad without at least an AS viewer license.
But, we can explode both the model the created drawings to simple, Autocad elements which will then be accessible to Autocad, even on systems that doesn't have Advance Steel installed.
For the 3D model, there is an FAQ describing the steps you need to do in order to export it :
Drawing files can be exported from the Document Manager, using the Batch explode functionality. The drawing files are exploded in a dedicated folder, while the original files (AS files) are kept untouched. More information about this explode can be found in the on-line documentation : at page 153.

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